Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Cutest Mobile Phone I've Ever Seen

Was working in clinic the other day and saw this new technology... lol...

and yes, this is a mobile phone! a mobile phone with no numbers no screen and yet u can make calls and receive calls as well... the SIM card is hidden somewhere inside this mini bear...

You can only dial the four preset numbers... is very useful for small little kids isn't it? and most people will see this as a toy rather than a phone rite? Price is around RM 300-400..

Isn't it cute and creative?

Thursday, August 09, 2007


make a police report this morning...

never want to make thing worse, but he called and threaten me last night...

we'll see who is being threaten this time..

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


凌晨 2.00, 又一次得跑了出來。。。。。

頭腦一片空白, 只知道害怕。。。。。 打從心里面的恐惧。。。

这样一来,有得耗上一段时间。。。 又要战战兢兢的。。。。。

我时常告诉自己, 也时常用同一句勉励我的朋友,“无论雨下多久,无论有多大雨,不怕的,总有一天雨会停的。。 你又看过不会停的雨吗? 只是。。。。。。。。。有时,雨下得特别久而已,总有一天会有大太阳的。。。。。”

也曾经朋友告诉我说,“Bee Yam, 很多年前你就说过这句话了,为什么我们的生活还是一样?”

