Monday, March 27, 2006

wHaT aDVanCEd dEgREe SHouLD YOu gET?

You Should Get a JD (Juris Doctor)

You're logical, driven, and ruthless.
You'd make a mighty fine lawyer.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

我会好好的 MV

fInALly kNoW hoW tO aDd a cLip hEre, tHaNks yA bOoN cHUaN...

Thursday, March 09, 2006


有没有想过你到底是真真的爱一个人或是在不知不觉中让爱成了依赖。 在每一段恋情一开始时,感觉都会是好像春天来了,心情特别的开朗,心里也开满了花,感觉甜甜的,应该只可以用两个字来形容 - 幸福。 过后就会是热恋的日子,就像夏天一样,太阳一直在头顶上,不舍得离开你,两个人也就时常粘在一起,就会有一种“一日不见,如隔三秋”的心情。 接下来呢,会是什么季节呢? 对了,就是秋天。 秋天又是怎样的呢?秋天开始时都是冷冷的,两个人的感情也开始有了一些变化吧!由热转冷, 太阳不再粘着你,而你也开始厌倦了它,开始发现它的不好,有时也难免会发生一些争执吧! 最后就是大家都不想遇见的冬天。 冬天来临时,人们都会躲在家里头,也因此少和太阳接触了。 两个人在这段时间总是少不了会冷战,不是不爱说话,只是有些话说了也无补于事,说了也只是白说,说了只会让两人更难过,改变不了什么。 冷战是一段感情的过渡期,也是一段感情最经不起考验的时候。 这时的两个人仿佛很近却很远, 大家都有一些说不出的话,一切已不再像春天时那样。

明明该分手,明明知道已经是冬天了,不再温暖了,却一直都放不开。是爱吗?还是一直以来习惯了太阳的存在,所以放不下? 白天时,有朋友的陪伴,太阳的功能不是那么的明显,可是到了夜深人静的时候,太阳突然变得很重要了。一个和你在一起一段时间的人,慢慢的也成了你的知己,成了一个很了解你的人,陪你度过了无数的快乐与不快乐,陪你做了很多事情,去了很多地方,庆祝了很多个特别的日子。 习惯和他分享一天所面对的人与事,开心与不开心,习惯了在睡前听到他的声音,习惯把自己的事都告诉他,仿佛他已成了你的私人秘书,你的日记,一本会回应你的日记簿。 少了它的陪伴,心里就好像少了一些很重要的东西,很不自在。

当开心或不开心的是发生时,还可以第一时间告诉他吗? 还可以在无助时找他聊聊吗?睡前还可以听到他的声音, 被他疼吗?是想念还是依赖? 每一个人都会享受被疼,被爱。 当这些疼爱突然要你而去时,你会觉得失去 了某一些依靠,没有人疼你了,爱你了。伤心是真的因为失去了一个你爱的人,或是失去了你所想要得到的疼与爱而已呢?

有没有听说过着一句话:“没有了空气,人便不能活下去;可是,没有了太阳,人还是有办法生存的。” 他或她是你的空气还是太阳呢?

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Cheers to My Beloved Boss!!

My boss, who is also my doctor, used to be a very stingy boss but he is treating his beloved nurses with much more patient and passion now.. haha.... maybe he is afraid that we might all boycott and leave his clinic and he will be in deep touble then.. he has increased our travelling budget from RM 300 to RM 800 this year.. hahahaha.....Last yr my doctor sponsored us for a trip to Pangkor Island during X'mas, and what suprised us more now is he is going to spent RM 800 on each of us to Bali Island. My colleague was suggesting since travel fair is just around the corner, maybe we can use that amount of money to go Hong Kong, haha, have to negotiate with my boss then.......
Actually, my doctor also quite good wat, willing to spend so much on us, once in a while he will bring us for a dinner or something. The next dinner will be in Klang, seafood, during April. Hmmm..... let me recall, our last trip was Pangkor Island, last last trip was Sarawak... hahaha.. feel happy when think abt it, hopefully no terrorist attack or tsunami this coming X'mas if i am going to Bali island...........


唱:王心凌 词:伍佰 曲:伍佰

我會好好的 花還香香的 
時間一直去 回憶真美麗
我是想著你 一直想著你 
你在我心底 變成了秘密

不要說你愛我 你想我 
我要你默默走 不回頭 

到現在還是深深的 深深的愛著你
是愛情的 友情的都可以
那是我心中的幸福 我知道它苦苦的 
要給你遠方的祝福 我知道它苦苦的

那天突然从电视上看到了这首歌的MV,看了看那歌词,觉得原来这首歌所写的正是我想说的,完完全全的符合我心中想倾诉的话,可是却怎么也开不了口。是害怕去面对失去的痛,还是因为无法承受真相? 你会情愿你喜欢的人对你说善意的谎言或是残忍的真相呢? 两者之间对你来说有差别吗? 也许我就是无法承受事实才没办法把话说出口吧?宁愿瞒着自己的心,过一天算一天吧! 就算明明已知道自己喜欢的人心里的想法,可是只要还有这个机会去享受被疼,被捧在手心里,逗他开心,在他伤心时还可以成为他倾诉的对象,感受到自己在他心中还有一点点的重要,那就有足够的理由继续傻下去吧!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

siCk sWAp

“……………… One night while we were having sex, my husband took a camera and asked me to pose sexily, I refused to do so but he kept bugging me, telling me that he just wanted to keep it, and so I did it in the end. I soon found out that he actually brought those pics to show his friend (is my best fren’s husband) and so I quarreled with him, he apologized and promised to bring me for a trip. I felt angry but I try to put that away and enjoy our trip. However, when we reached there, I found out that my husband actually called the couple out for the trip too. I saw his fren and my best fren as well, I couldn’t help but felt really embarrass. While we were having dinner, my husband suggested that we may swap our partner tonight. I cried and shouted at him while my best fren ran out of the restaurant. I couldn’t believe it. Then, my husband apologized again and told me he was joking and brought me back to our room. He told me to take a bath, so I left him on the bed and went into the bathroom with complicated feelings. When I came out from the bathroom, I only saw my best fren’s husband lying naked on my bed. I shouted but he pushed me on the bed and start kissing and touching me, I cried but after a while, I gave in. What stunned me is I found myself enjoyed it and my best friend feels the same too. I felt embarrass of myself and I know that it is wrong……………………..”

This is an article that I read from a newspaper last Sunday, ah Kuang brought that article to me. After reading that article, the first thing that came out from my mind is, never never let me see that guy, what a JERK!? What the hell is in his mind?? Ah Kuang said that this is a normal thing which is happening everywhere anytime, is not new anymore.

Do you think that the husband really loves the wife?? He is doing this probably because he wants some excitement after many years of marriage and maybe because of their dull sex life. Ah Kuang said that he might do that too, cause he thinks excitement can strengthen a couple’s relationship, bring them together again. Frankly speaking, I totally disagree with that. If a man loves you so much so much, I believe that he would kill other man who tries to steal your body, his jealousy and anger will put the man to death, am I right? But if your man says that he loves you and put you on another man’s bed, do u think he really loves you? A man who loves u would do anything, everything to protect u from being hurt, a man who gives you to another man is destroying you, torturing your soul, hurting you deep from your heart. Would you ever trust this man again, continue living with him and giving your body to his fren? There is a Chinese idiom that says, “ There are so many trees in a forest, why stick to the same old one when you deserve more than that.”