Friday, April 25, 2008

Love Notes...

as i said, a relationship sometimes needs some sparks by giving each other some surprises from time to time... everybody love suprises isn't it? =)

one Friday night, sitting down cutting colourful papers again, glue them with one ribbon each and wrote notes on each paper.. the next day, when he was asleep, quickly and quietly and carefully sticks those colouful papers on the wall... then went back to bed but was excited to see his face when he wakes up...

when he woke up and walked to the bathroom, he saw these colourful papers on the wall..... and said,

"why you decorate your wall like that, not nice also...." then walked to the bathroom.

".... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... ..... ..... ...... .... ....... HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME?"

"hahaha...joking la...."

on the wall when he was asleep....

before sticking them to the wall...

Monday, April 21, 2008

Desktop instead of laptop...

been without internet and computer for almost 2 was horrible, sitting in front of my table, and the only thing i can do is read besides talking on the phone... it does good to me at least i can really pay attention when i read.

just bought a desktop, was thinking of getting a laptop but after several thoughts and discussion, i chose desktop instead because its life span is much more longer than laptop. maybe, i can repair my laptop when i save enough money.. hehe...

part of my room..

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Bye bye my dear laptop..

My Toshiba laptop which i bought during Aug 2005 is nothing more than a piece of scrap now....

Bye bye laptop, so sad..

Saturday, April 05, 2008



被人背叛真的很難受,無論是誰都很難接受。。只是這次的事情又再一次的提醒了自己, 要好好的保護自己,不要再一次的被傷害。。。 人真的很脆弱,也很健忘,很容易忘記自己當初是怎麽喜歡上一個人的, 脆弱是因爲大多數的人都經不起誘惑, 很多的感情都經不起考驗的, 説變就變,那麽地措手不及,那麽的可怕。。。

雖然並不是發生在自己的身上, 可是也很害怕會有那麽一天。。 當自己把希望和時間都用在一個人身上, 換來的卻是無法挽回的結果, 很可悲。。。 有時不是說堅強就可以堅強,說放下就放下,陰影還是存在的, 傷心還是難免的。。 雖然現在一切一切都很美好,沒有什麽需要擔心的地方,可是誰又能保證以後會怎樣呢? 以後,曾經給你的承諾已被忘記了, 曾經對你的誓言不再屬於你了,曾經的曾經也只是大家的回憶而已。。,, 很恐怖。。 雖然我的他也答應我不會對不起我,可是當事情真的發生的時候又可以怎樣呢?我沒有懷疑我的他所說的話, 我相信現在的他對我是真的, 我也相信現在的他不會見異思遷,現在,但以後的是真的輪不到我們去想。。。

一段感情是不是一定會慢慢退熱, 有時我也會懷念熱戀時的情景, 有時也會害怕會忘記那種甜甜的感覺,所以會不斷的製造驚喜,希望可以讓我們的感情維持的更久,希望我們不會那麽快就有老夫老妻的感覺。。 希望這一切一切他會好好地珍惜。。。

給朋友的話: dear, 我們都是你的好朋友, 你乖, 要振作,love u always....