Yesterday after my check up in UH for my breast, me, audrey, sze mun, iris, adele, adele's darling and kok keat went for dinner.. We had our dinner at Wong KOk Char Chan Teng in ss2.
About the lump in my breast, Prof Yip (the doctor) said THEY ARE harmless! ya... why i say THEY ARE instead of IT IS? Let me tell you wat happened.. when a nurse called my name, i felt nervous, left my handbag with audrey n went into the room. The nurse told me to take off my shirt and lie down on the bed. Then, a Malay lady came in, a doctor i think, looked at my records and put some transparent gel on my left breast and there the ultrasound goes.. erm.... something like a roller, rolled on my breast, all i can see from the screen is ........ "darknesssssssss".. i kept tahan-ning not to laugh coz i feel geli when the thing rolled on my breast.. haha... when she said, "there, the lump, not too big, not dangerous, no worries...", relief... then she checked on my right breast as well, thought my right breast is fine, but she found a lump there as well, and is the same as the one in the left, harmless..... thank god!! haha...
ok.. back to Wong Kok, we reached there around 8pm, ordered our dinner and wait for the ladies to arrive. Audrey ordered something called "Doreamon", we waited so long looking at "Doreamon", wanted to take pic of it b4 eating. Iris was complaining that we didn't include her when taking pics, aiya.. she was sitting opposite ma...haha..Then we started chatting and fooling around... This Iris is full of jokes lor, let me write down one joke that she told yesterday:
有一天,kuar teow 和 mee hoon 吵架, kuar teow 就对 mee hoon 说:“不要再给我看到你,一定把你打一顿在丢进海里。” mee hoon 听了十分害怕,连续几天躲在家里不敢出门。 有一天,mee hoon 真得很闷也很饿,可是还是不敢出去,想了想,他只好叫他的堂弟,maggie mee 帮他出去买点东西吃,maggie mee 想了想就答应了,反正他和 kuar teow 又没有什么过节。
结果,maggie mee 出去之后,遇到了 kuar teow 。 哪知,kuar teow 对 mee hoon 说:“不要以为你电了头发,我就不认识你!” 说完,就把 maggie mee 打一顿再丢进海里。
hahahahahaha..... funny?? the best part is not the joke itself, is Iris's expressions, so cute n farny... and then, we had a lot of other jokes as well, we laughed our heads off and put back and laughed again... LOL.... She even asked us a question like this, "讲出屁股洞的三个功能。" hahaha..... do you know the answers? Do make your guess k, i'll let you know whether u hit the ball anot..
haihh.. the whole dinner session is just so crazy, we took some pictures as well, all in Iris's camera.. IRIS!! must send to all of us k, our email address is in ur PDA ardy. [kakakaka... Iris must send d this time]

audrey n me wif "Doreamon"

chan sze & lim bee

sze mun, me , audrey

haha... the most talkative gals

and the camera man is ----> adele's boyfriend!
haha... Iris!! just found these pics in ur blog ler.. oh ya... we were also placing bets on who or which couples will get married first. As usual, number one goes to SOO LAY SYE & StEVEN LEE. If 'accidents' are avoided properly, these two is expected to get married first. Hey, what abt 1st and 2nd runner-up?
结果,maggie mee 出去之后,遇到了 kuar teow 。 哪知,kuar teow 对 mee hoon 说:“不要以为你电了头发,我就不认识你!” 说完,就把 maggie mee 打一顿再丢进海里。
The mee hoon is supposed to be Maggie Mee!
See.. I told you LaySye and Steven will get married first...
So fun wor.. I also want to join.. Sniff.. U must wait for me to go back ar.
this joke damn old lah... if i know you all enjoy old joke so much i go dig back some of the old jokes i bury under my toilet seat and let you all see... =.='''
well, congratz for your harrmless breastS... :D
wahhhhhh so cooL! your blog title is my name.. =D damn happy weiz...
i had fun that night lor.
And i place my bet on sze mun getting married after lay sye eheheh
Sze Mun is after Laysye..
hahahaha....ya.. everyone's bet is on Mr Steven Lee, next bet on Sze Mun and Mr Clown, but this is in the normal case without any accident rite..haha..
ahhaha okay after that i guess maybe Khai Lim?
Maybe Chi Yng lah!
is u la pei shan..haha
aiyo dun fight...
it's me and hui xin first... :D
Hey.. Bee Yam.. I forgot tell you.
I want to marry only if my another half has RM 1 million. Somehow RM is still too small.. Shall consider Sing Dollar..
Wei Ken, siapa Hui Xin??
Evonne Xu Hui Xin???
Wei KEn... hui xin old story edi la.. summore wanna talk bout it
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