姓 名: 林美炎
出生日期: 西元1984年11月13日
靈 數: 13
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
有没有想过有一天也许你也会嫌弃某一些人。 为什么这么说呢? 以前,很久以前,大概是中学时期吧,我都会认为喜欢一个人其实很简单,没有太多的要求,喜欢就是喜欢,就那么简单而已。 不会去在乎他的家庭背景,不会在乎他学历有没有比自己高,不会在乎他有没有和自己相同的文化,不会去想以后他可以给自己怎么样的生活。 一切一切都不是那么的重要,最重要的是天天可以看得到对方,当时的每一刻都是最美好,最没有瑕疵的。
也许是因为人长大了,也渐渐对身边的事与物开始有所要求。 不再认为喜欢就是喜欢那么简单,喜欢还包括他是否可以给我过安定的生活,包括他是否和我有共同的目标,包括他和我能不能沟通, 也包括在他看我顺眼之余,我也看他顺眼吗?“要求”说穿了只是因为人变得更现实了一点, 少了以往的梦与幻。
又或许是因为这些年来所面对的种种事情, 种种让人透不过气的压力,让我变得像神经病一样,开心时开心,不开心时要看起来更开心。 早几年前更对自己许下在任何事情发生时都不能轻易掉眼泪的承诺,之后不管发生了什么事, 都会把眼泪吞回去,极少掉眼泪了。 就算被赶出家门,最多只是保持沉默,泪是不被允许流出来的。 哭的时候会很难受,心里面会很疼很痛,不想再感觉到那种痛了。 这几年的压力,让我改变了很多想法,择偶条件也不再一样了。 钱对我来说很重要,中学过后到现在我都是每一天都在工作,一星期七天,有时甚至一天打几份工。 这统统都只为了钱。没有钱的日子真的很难过,很难过,唉。。。 。。。 。。。 累了,真的累了,所以也想找个依靠算了。 是不是很现实呢? 哈,看了这篇东西的男孩都会害怕吧?
干嘛在说这些啊? 其实本来想说,最近约我的男孩,我都会先看他们的家庭背景,然后才考虑考虑是否要继续约会。 这种想法很不对是吗?我也知道啊! 可是潜意识里,一看到那些男孩时就会先留意他们的后盾有多厚,真得快疯了。 有一个男孩,家里蛮富有的,可是样貌和背景都不是我喜欢的,结果还是做回朋友好了。 好害怕自己为什么会有这种“贪慕虚荣”的想法, 可是同时也领悟到了一件事, 当自己嫌弃别人时,有没有想看自己是否有这个条件, 而别人也是不是一样会嫌弃你呢?
也许是因为人长大了,也渐渐对身边的事与物开始有所要求。 不再认为喜欢就是喜欢那么简单,喜欢还包括他是否可以给我过安定的生活,包括他是否和我有共同的目标,包括他和我能不能沟通, 也包括在他看我顺眼之余,我也看他顺眼吗?“要求”说穿了只是因为人变得更现实了一点, 少了以往的梦与幻。
又或许是因为这些年来所面对的种种事情, 种种让人透不过气的压力,让我变得像神经病一样,开心时开心,不开心时要看起来更开心。 早几年前更对自己许下在任何事情发生时都不能轻易掉眼泪的承诺,之后不管发生了什么事, 都会把眼泪吞回去,极少掉眼泪了。 就算被赶出家门,最多只是保持沉默,泪是不被允许流出来的。 哭的时候会很难受,心里面会很疼很痛,不想再感觉到那种痛了。 这几年的压力,让我改变了很多想法,择偶条件也不再一样了。 钱对我来说很重要,中学过后到现在我都是每一天都在工作,一星期七天,有时甚至一天打几份工。 这统统都只为了钱。没有钱的日子真的很难过,很难过,唉。。。 。。。 。。。 累了,真的累了,所以也想找个依靠算了。 是不是很现实呢? 哈,看了这篇东西的男孩都会害怕吧?
干嘛在说这些啊? 其实本来想说,最近约我的男孩,我都会先看他们的家庭背景,然后才考虑考虑是否要继续约会。 这种想法很不对是吗?我也知道啊! 可是潜意识里,一看到那些男孩时就会先留意他们的后盾有多厚,真得快疯了。 有一个男孩,家里蛮富有的,可是样貌和背景都不是我喜欢的,结果还是做回朋友好了。 好害怕自己为什么会有这种“贪慕虚荣”的想法, 可是同时也领悟到了一件事, 当自己嫌弃别人时,有没有想看自己是否有这个条件, 而别人也是不是一样会嫌弃你呢?
Monday, May 15, 2006
wHicH of SAntA's reiNdEeR ArE YOu?
You Are Dancer |
![]() Carefree and fun, you always find reasons to do a happy dance. Why You're Naughty: That dark stint you had as Santa's private dancer. Why You're Nice: You're friendly. Very friendly. |
Sunday, May 14, 2006
hOw siNFuL aRe yOu?
Your Deadly Sins |
Envy: 100% |
Greed: 60% |
Pride: 60% |
Gluttony: 40% |
Sloth: 40% |
Wrath: 20% |
Lust: 0% |
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 46% |
You will die in a duel. |
wHaT iS YoUR seDUcTiOn sTyLe?
Your Seduction Style: The Natural |
![]() You don't really try to seduce people... it just seems to happen. Fun loving and free spirited, you bring out the inner child in people. You are spontaneous, sincere, and unpretentious - a hard combo to find! People drop their guard around you, and find themselves falling fast. |
Saturday, May 13, 2006
yOuR LoVe LiFE SeCReTs aRE...
Your Love Life Secrets Are |
![]() Looking back on your life, you will have a few true loves. You've been deeply wounded in the past, and you're still recovering from that hurt. It's important to you that your lover is very attractive. You like to have someone to show off. In fights, you love to debate and defend yourself. You logic prevails - or at least you'd like to think so. Break-ups can be painful for you, but you never show it. You hold your head high. |
hahahaha..... damn true damn true... but i didn't want a boyfriend to show off, erm... some mistakes there? hehe..
COuLD YoU PaSs 8tH gRAdE MaTH?
You Passed 8th Grade Math |
![]() Congratulations, you got 10/10 correct! |
hurray... 10/10, not bad huh....
hOW wEiRD ARe YOu?
You Are 40% Weird |
![]() Normal enough to know that you're weird... But too damn weird to do anything about it! |
Friday, May 05, 2006
male hormone > female hormone
hmmm.... went yam cha at Station One with 6 guys.. Wei Ken, Hing Chun, Kenneth, Yong Fatt, Kim Ann and Steven. why am I hanging out with guys more often than gals nowadays, then we come to one conclusion, is becoz my JANTAN-hormone is more than my BETINA-hormone.... hahahaha..... wat the hack?
saw one waitress, very pretty, sweet smiles, good manners, and the most important thing is she caught the guys' eyes. So Yong Fatt bring up his guts and told her that she is pretty, then asked for her name --------> Vivian...
After a while, another waitress brought us a drink, we were wondering becoz non of us ordered anything extra and i told her we didn't order that and she said, "这个有人请你喝的." Then she put down the drink and a note. ***************STONED************** hahaha.... we were silent for a few seconds and everyone started laughing and wi-wah-ing after tat. This Hing Chun even said, "没有想到我们beeyam那么有魅力。哈哈...." We were guessing who belanja me tat drink, and I think i know who is tat coz i saw a guy (next table) kept looking at our direction, mmm.... we were guessing that this guy may be the restaurant boss cause we saw him talking n telling the staffs to do things. This Wei Ken too much, telling me to sms back to tat guy so that they will all get a free drinks also.... hahahahaha....
When we asked for bill, this Hing Chun actually checked the bill and see whether that drink is included in our bill anot, hahahahah..... he said that might be their "生意手法" , 表面上请你喝, 其实假假算进去了的. hahahahaha....... we were all laughing n the waiter told us that it is not included in the bill and gave me another note. haha...... we were all reading the note while this Yong Fatt asked the waiter a question like this, "ey, Vivian got boyfriend ar??" hahahaahhahahahahahaha... all this people ar, 趁火打劫..........
saw one waitress, very pretty, sweet smiles, good manners, and the most important thing is she caught the guys' eyes. So Yong Fatt bring up his guts and told her that she is pretty, then asked for her name --------> Vivian...
After a while, another waitress brought us a drink, we were wondering becoz non of us ordered anything extra and i told her we didn't order that and she said, "这个有人请你喝的." Then she put down the drink and a note. ***************STONED************** hahaha.... we were silent for a few seconds and everyone started laughing and wi-wah-ing after tat. This Hing Chun even said, "没有想到我们beeyam那么有魅力。哈哈...." We were guessing who belanja me tat drink, and I think i know who is tat coz i saw a guy (next table) kept looking at our direction, mmm.... we were guessing that this guy may be the restaurant boss cause we saw him talking n telling the staffs to do things. This Wei Ken too much, telling me to sms back to tat guy so that they will all get a free drinks also.... hahahahaha....
When we asked for bill, this Hing Chun actually checked the bill and see whether that drink is included in our bill anot, hahahahah..... he said that might be their "生意手法" , 表面上请你喝, 其实假假算进去了的. hahahahaha....... we were all laughing n the waiter told us that it is not included in the bill and gave me another note. haha...... we were all reading the note while this Yong Fatt asked the waiter a question like this, "ey, Vivian got boyfriend ar??" hahahaahhahahahahahaha... all this people ar, 趁火打劫..........
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
hang out with the guysss
haha.... only three guys in fact, but "three" is plural, therefore, is "guysss"... wah... damn lame ler... 1st of May, Labour Day, damn free, got nothing to do, was thinking where to go and who should i go out with, was thinking abt the jam outside the road n in the shoppoing's parking, wow, a nightmare.... Recalled last year Labour Day, me n Fang Shyuan suppose to go One Utama for movies, we were stucked in the parking for half n hour n decided to leave after tat. I got down n pay the ticket n went up to the car and got stucked for another half an hour before we got to the exit... an hour gone.....
Then, we decided to go Mid Valley, hoping tat there won't be tat jam over there since the whole world was in One Utama ad. HOWEVER, before i can see the building of MidValley we got stucked in the jam again and..... the best part is we can never do a U-turn there, we must follow the carS carsS carsSs in front until....haihh...... forgot where ad, but we spent another 2 hours in the car before we reached home... 1 + 2 = 3 hours in the car lor!!
So, tot this year Labour Day gonna be a hectic out there again. Me, Fang Shyuan, Wei Ken and Alex went One Utama for movie, to our suprise, not very jam and we found a parking in 15 minutes time. Tot there would be a long queue at the cinema counter, but to our suprise again, only a few people lining up at each counter. We bought 4 tickets for a Japanese movie called "Reincarnation". I always tell my beloved frens not to bring me for any scary movie otherwise they will regret in the cinema... haha.. and the victim for the day is -------> Mr. Alex Chai.... was holding his left arm with my left hand and right hand covering my eyes, I did this everytime when we go for horror movies... Before the show, we went 龙的传人 for 小笼包, taste so good, photos wil be up soon.. hehe....
Then, after the show we went Honey BeE, yes, is HONEY BEE again!! haha. just love to go there... The names for the drinks there are very cute, erm.... childish maybe.... let me give u one example - Prince of Frog 青蛙王子, sounds very fairy tales right... haha.. and becoz of these funny funny names we got into some laughter, conversation as below:
Then, we decided to go Mid Valley, hoping tat there won't be tat jam over there since the whole world was in One Utama ad. HOWEVER, before i can see the building of MidValley we got stucked in the jam again and..... the best part is we can never do a U-turn there, we must follow the carS carsS carsSs in front until....haihh...... forgot where ad, but we spent another 2 hours in the car before we reached home... 1 + 2 = 3 hours in the car lor!!
So, tot this year Labour Day gonna be a hectic out there again. Me, Fang Shyuan, Wei Ken and Alex went One Utama for movie, to our suprise, not very jam and we found a parking in 15 minutes time. Tot there would be a long queue at the cinema counter, but to our suprise again, only a few people lining up at each counter. We bought 4 tickets for a Japanese movie called "Reincarnation". I always tell my beloved frens not to bring me for any scary movie otherwise they will regret in the cinema... haha.. and the victim for the day is -------> Mr. Alex Chai.... was holding his left arm with my left hand and right hand covering my eyes, I did this everytime when we go for horror movies... Before the show, we went 龙的传人 for 小笼包, taste so good, photos wil be up soon.. hehe....
Then, after the show we went Honey BeE, yes, is HONEY BEE again!! haha. just love to go there... The names for the drinks there are very cute, erm.... childish maybe.... let me give u one example - Prince of Frog 青蛙王子, sounds very fairy tales right... haha.. and becoz of these funny funny names we got into some laughter, conversation as below:
Waiter : 请问你们要喝什么?
mE : 给我一个 er.. mango .........(the name of da drinks is actually MangoTwinkleLittleStar,
but knowing tat my frens will laugh at me, i just say Mango...)
Waiter : 什么?Mango 什么?
mE : er.... (how come this waitress so funny one, only one drinks tat has mango also duno
meh...) MangoTwinkleLittleStar...... (omg, sounds so childish ler....)
( Fang Shyuan and me were tahan-ing not to laugh)
Suddenly this Alex said : 给我 "阳光海滩".................................
HaAhAHhAhahHAhAhahaHAHahhAhahahah.... me, wei ken n fang shyuan all burst out laughing..... hahahahahahahaha.... damn funny .....then we play cards n UNO and went home at around 11 i think..... hmmm.... a fun day i would say... hehe...
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