Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Selfish is wat we see among all people around us now... not only with the people around us, but in fact is in us as well.. i guess it is just something naturally inhabited in every one of us, but whether selfish itself continues to develop and conquer us is very much depends on the educations, the environment, family background and also people around us...

People getting more selfish when they are surrounded with people who are also selfish, in a way, just to protect themselves from being bullied, from being cheated, from being doing more jobs that are not within what they should do.. but this is definitely not an excuse...

I really don’t understand how these people survive in their own world? They are very much self-centered and whatever they think or do is for the benefits of themselves and themselves only... they couldn’t give a damn to people around them, may it be their friends or what they claimed their best friends... I don’t know how you treat your so-called best friend, but I appreciate my friends a lot, whether is normal friends or best friends...

How can someone only think of themselves at the expense of others? When someone already knew what she says is going to hurt or is going to sounds like she is an idiot but she just do it because she wants it... Ignore other’s feelings as long as I get what I want, I know you are going to feel bad but I don’t care, because it benefits me, then fine... how can these people survive in their career, their relationship, their life?

I think this is something about balance.. who is not selfish isn’t it? But it depends on what situation you are in and what you are actually dealing with... we often make decisions that benefits most although sometimes our decisions might hurt one or two…but that’s the best we can do, the balance.. but some people only bother about themselves, putting others down… I do not understanding and very confuse with these people, they are living in their very much protected world, living in there is-for-my-own-good principle and claimed that they are right when they knew they are hurting others..

Please, don’t tell your friend that she/he is your best friend when you are thinking of only urself all the time.. friends are not like that, friends are not something that you should take for granted...wake up or be shame on urself...


Damien|ダミエン said...

I guess everyone r selfish...just how smart they're with their social intelligence...

yemmyemm said...

exactly, but some r just too obvious to be selfish.. haihh...