u sure boh??
When i look at this statement, i wonder how true is this... how many of you can actually overlooking all the wrong things you've done, ignoring all the mistakes you've made, and never feel tired hearing the same excuses over and over again... i don't think i can... i don't think i ever can... i can't pretend when you've made a mistake and not to correct you. Don't want to be blindfolded in a relationship...
Feeling very emotional these few weeks... think about how we met each other, think about how we used to talk until we fall asleep holding the phone, think of how well you mix with my frens, think of the day you told me you feel much better listening to my voice after a hard day at work.. and what is happening now.. i can hardly see the romantic you again..
conversation is non other than everyday routine now, is this a phase that every relationship must go thru? I always try to giv you surprises, even more often when i realised our sparks is no longer there, or much much lesser now, but i just couldn't see you making your effort as well..
disappointment over disappointment, they just pile up like that... I don't think you realised the changes in me, i guess i hide it well.. =) wanted to ask you so many times, where is your patient? where is your passion? where is your toleration? where is my weekly bedtime story? sighhh.... i still love hugging you, at least i am still feeling you, and your eyes stares at the computer, your hands on the keyboard, what am i doing?
August 2006
reading ur post remind me of my gf... some time i feel that i disappointed her too.. for not being romantic enough, for wanted to hang out with friends more than her (some time), for not reporting 24/7, for no lot more stuff... but not doing all those doesn;t mean i love her less.. i just wanted let the fire in our love burn slower but longer.. sometime she don't understand.. and i'm not the kind of person who have the face to say this... sigh...
anyway, i hope ur bf is like me... eventhough he's not making an effort to be more romantic like when u two first met, but he is making effort to love u more each day... afterall, it's hard to think of new romantic idea every day, when there are other things to consider...
damn don't know what i'm writing again...
wah.. wei ken, i actually feel touched reading wat u said le....
i talked to him about it, and he kinda understand wat i say, he agrees that we talk less now and he actually find time to chat with me, i am glad abt that.. hehe
thanks ya...
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