Is stated here in the booklet: According to .... Tokyo Research Laboratory.. piyuitary gland stimulation is found to be instrumental to height increases.
YOKO has been found to stimulate "nerve-point" of the feet effectively, which in turn stimulates the pituitary gland for increased hormonal production. Increased hormone production means greater growth of the cartilageneous portions of the bones of the lower body, making real height gain an actual fact.
Fantastic isn't it? I am feeling excited now and i think i would wear it to sleep, just to gain a few inches the next
From the cover of the box and the explanation, i think this is a product from Japan. However, in the explanation booklet, there is Malay explanation as well, so Japanese made this purposely to sell to Msian? I don't think so leh.. or maybe this is a pirated product.. yeah maybe, but nvm, i will still giv it a try..hahaa..
So everyone out there, let me try first and i'll tell you the results in maybe.. erm.. 3 months time?
Anyway, Thanks Low Ser Ser and Poon Lai Fong for the present.. hugs
sorry to tell u this. i tried this b4 leh last time in high skool. i bought b4 oso ma. no use de la. dun waste time.
sien leh.. haven't even try it on le..
sigh... i was hoping that it will work.. :(
nvm... i will try it.. if it works i lend it to u k.. nope, rent it to u better..haha
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