Thursday, September 21, 2006

the underlying truth..

I guess there isn’t anything fair in this world. Whether u like it anot, man and woman doesn’t stand on the same ground, there are still things that only men are allowed to do without being cursed till death. Men can look for other pretty young chicks when they are married and find no fault in themselves at all after their wives discovered all the bullshit they did outside. And what if a woman do the same thing? Can she hide her fault by saying she is bored with the relationship like wat most men did? And she needs some sparks in her life again, can she? She will be a dirty slut around her husband’s friends, his relatives, and even her own family members, and she is most likely to be dumped after tat. But tat doesn’t happen when things come to a guy isn’t it?

I always thought this way: The world is a piece of white paper, sometimes, with some black dots which symbolizes bad people… however, not until recently, I found that the world is actually a piece of black paper, and sometimes, fill with some white spots on it. Most people I know and I tot that they are good fellas aren’t as good as I thought. They cheated on their girlfriends but at the same time acting like a gentleman in front of their friends. Trust me, they are real good in protecting their image. Is me being naïve all this while, the world isn’t so white after all…


katabana said...

no one can get away from cheating... even for men... and girl aren't necessary the one being dumped... men and women, in most of the situation, are equal... hif he cheat on you, dump him... it's 21st century lah woman... dun have to let a guy teach you what...

and yet, men and women, are not totally equal... after both side agreed a divorce, mother will have the upper hand to "get" the children. she also might get 1/2 of the asset her ex had...

that is why i dun really believe in men and women are equal... women ALWAYS have upper hand in EVERYTHING... =.='''

Damien|ダミエン said...

I guess this topic will never get to an end if it really bought into serious discussion. I would say one simple thought can easily lead a major change to one's perception and his/her future, what u think today might change by tomorrow when u confront something different.

In my opinion, there is indeed difference between a male and female, however both receive about the equal goods. woman get praised easily and receive many loves, while man can easily top woman in most task in term of durability.

While since u devote to christianity, I would like to share what I learn from their study, there's a saying that if we are to abandon our physical self, spiritually everyone of us are equal and the same, God love everyone of us, with no more or less.

Damien|ダミエン said...

btw, the world is never a white paper, it's probably black, but we all try so hard to paint it white, which is impossible.

Anonymous said...

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