it was fun sitting down and chatting with my lovely colleagues again... i worked there since year 2002 or 2003, kinda long right? some of us work part-time like me, and some work as a full-time nurse.. i dare not say we know each other very well, but we've been thru many ups n downs together, may it be in our relationships or when we face problems from our work, college, assignments or stress from our family... we even cry together when we were in Langkawi, how silly....but we all remember it for a long long time isn't it?
erm.... i appreciate the friendship that we built together... we ought to search for different things in our life as time goes by... different jobs, different aims... maybe we'll leave this place we work soon, maybe....but our friendship will last, and will last for a long long time... i believe...
yeah.. she is the birthday girl... haha...

nurses...(Fong, where r u?)
joyee and bee
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