SD club. like good old days. Warh lau, damn long never go liao. You all still look so young leh, like secondary school kids. ehehehe Not fair lo, why u all dont get old one? ahahhaha
hAHaaa.... sUDdeNLLy fEeLs lIkE cOPying tHinGs i WrotE iN FrIEndsTeR aND pAStE hERe.. fOUnD oUT tAT mY FrIEnds aRE pOURinG oUt tHEir feEliNgS hERe lAtEly, sO i gUEsS i sHalL sTaRt oNE too...
1 March 2006
SD club. like good old days. Warh lau, damn long never go liao. You all still look so young leh, like secondary school kids. ehehehe Not fair lo, why u all dont get old one? ahahhaha
sze mun still wearing same t -shirt. lol
lol.... Iris sure boh? still look like kids meh?
didn't know all of us miss SD Club and its SD nasi goreng so much ... hahaha... next venue for gathering will b there k..
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